🗃️ BaiHui Playlist 百會
︎Journey on the Surface 表面之旅 ◎Yang Yu Chiao
︎Network Neighborhood 網路上的芳鄰 ◎Liou
︎Daily exercise 日常鍛煉 ◎OHAU!
︎Thousand Character Classic 千字文篆刻計劃 ◎Ebix
︎Hyper Dimension of Illusion 錯視超維度 ◎Shark Lin
︎Motion in pixel, technology in motion 像素中的運動,運動中的技術 ◎Chen Chen Yu
︎The Health Treasury - Four Paths to Virtual Cultivation 養生寶庫 - 虛擬修行四法 ◎Fong Han-Yu
︎E・R・T・D 电・行・弎・衍 ◎Semi Su
︎Playlist 2018 ◎Teng Yung Han
︎Journey on the Surface 表面之旅 ◎Yang Yu Chiao
︎Network Neighborhood 網路上的芳鄰 ◎Liou
︎Daily exercise 日常鍛煉 ◎OHAU!
︎Thousand Character Classic 千字文篆刻計劃 ◎Ebix
︎Hyper Dimension of Illusion 錯視超維度 ◎Shark Lin
︎Motion in pixel, technology in motion 像素中的運動,運動中的技術 ◎Chen Chen Yu
︎The Health Treasury - Four Paths to Virtual Cultivation 養生寶庫 - 虛擬修行四法 ◎Fong Han-Yu
︎E・R・T・D 电・行・弎・衍 ◎Semi Su
︎Playlist 2018 ◎Teng Yung Han
︎Good Morning & Healthy Everyday on LINE 早安健康分享 ◎Yi Xian Healthy Group
︎4D cross-sectioning 4D横截面 ◎Son Ni
︎a (special edition, synthetic) monk 異修(異色版修行)合尚(合成和尚)◎Aush a.k.a. Su Sen Hong
︎An assemblage of my flow of consciousness 自我意識流拼圖 ◎Heng
︎Release Your Mind 舒壓的修行培訓 ◎Scotty Chang
︎We do not see light but see in it 我們觀看的不是,而是在光裡觀看 ◎Jin Chien
Motion in pixel, technology in motion
Chen Chen Yu
To learn and feel through the screens about how people move, make, receive, and shape the surrounding through various technologies; technology of bodyflow, of shaping the land, of sheltering. To practice and reckon our relationship with endless playlist reality. To perceive but not to tell, to watch but not to see through, to mourn, to deconstruct, to perform emotion, to transcend, to perpetually proliferate with the screen.
透過螢幕,循著播放清單,練習和感受他人如何透過各種技術,在環境中動、作、接收、和塑形。 練習和認識我們與無盡的播放清單之間的關係。隨著螢幕去接受卻不辨識、去觀看卻視不穿、去哀悼、去解構、去表演情緒、去超越、去跟隨著無盡的增生。
透過螢幕,循著播放清單,練習和感受他人如何透過各種技術,在環境中動、作、接收、和塑形。 練習和認識我們與無盡的播放清單之間的關係。隨著螢幕去接受卻不辨識、去觀看卻視不穿、去哀悼、去解構、去表演情緒、去超越、去跟隨著無盡的增生。
☯ Chen Chen Yu
Chen Chen Yu works with images, sculpture, and installation. His works primarily focus on the correlations between the development of technology and how human perceive and shape reality.
Chen Chen Yu works with images, sculpture, and installation. His works primarily focus on the correlations between the development of technology and how human perceive and shape reality.