︎Training Core 丹田

Training Corem(Dantian), A sea of energy located three finger widths below and two finger widths behind the navel.
Stand with your weight on both feet, breathe naturally, and focus on drawing energy into the abdomen, keep it stable and maintained. Practice mindful cultivation of the dantian, activate the force, develop the elixir by refining and purifying essence into vitality.

How to be a plant

Shin Hanagata

Before considering how to become a tree, humans may already be trees. They breathe, sense light, and have arms and legs that can move. We have body fluids, tubes that transport nutrients and water, skin where fungi and insects come and create an ecosystem.

But let's get closer to trees.

The Banyan is called the walking tree. It puts its roots down from its branches towards the ground and takes decades to take one step. Try walking slowly like that. Gradually slow down the sense of time.

1: First, walk for about 5 minutes on good soil and take about 3 meters. You can feel the structure of every muscle, bone, and tendon in your body moving. You realize that there is infinite resolution in space. Get closer to trees little by little. Walk for 10 minutes, 1 hour.

a: About grafting. Trees can heal by connecting their branches with their own cross-sections. But it is impossible to heal by connecting the cross-section of a tree and the body of a human. However, try attaching your body to a tree. You will notice the hardness of the tree, how it receives the wind, the sound, smell, and rhythm. Exist accordingly. The branches become hands, the body becomes the trunk, and the tree and the body mix.

2: Slow down further. Take water and walk 3m on the soil taking a day or a week. It is dangerous to fast for more than a week, so you need to get energy by eating soil (there is edible soil called peat).

b: About skin. The tree's skin is very dry. It cracks like atopic dermatitis. To remove the moisture, wash off the surface oil. Apply strong soap or bleach and leave it.

3: It becomes difficult to stand for a long time with human muscles, so you can ask the keepers to put up support poles. If you run out of water and soil you brought, take them from the keepers and walk 3m over the course of 1 month, 6 months, or a year. The movements of the people around you gradually appear faster than you can sense. You lose your words.

c: About seeds. If you can produce sperm, have the keepers collect it and inject it into another tree with an egg. Or if you have an egg, have the keepers collect sperm from another tree and inject it.

4: Slow down even further. Walk 3m on the soil taking 10 years, 30 years, or 50 years. The keepers also change generations, and the city changes. Friends forget about you. Even the police cannot distinguish whether you are a human or not. But you don't care. There are many trees around, and the day flickers like a strobe light.

d: About photosynthesis. In recent studies, technology has been developed to produce starch from light and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, they reproduce themselves. Cloning has already been successful in monkeys by generating artificial stem cells. All that remains is to wait for the realization of issues such as "human dignity". They are expected to be put into practical use in about one more step of time. Wait a little longer.

5: Eventually, it withers away.







a. 關於嫁接。樹木能夠透過斷面連結樹枝癒合傷口。儘管樹的斷面和人的身體無法癒合,但請試著把自己的身體嫁接於樹。如此一來,樹木的硬度、承風方式、聲音、味道、節奏,都會進入自己的身體。請試著這樣生存——讓樹枝成為手臂,身體成為樹幹,樹與身體合為一體。

2. 再試著放慢一點。帶著水,花上一天、一週在土上行走三公尺。人類節食一週以上是會有危險的,所以你會需要食用土壤來獲取營養(泥炭是可以食用的土壤)。

b. 關於皮膚。樹的皮膚非常乾燥,猶如異味性皮膚炎般龜裂。為了除去皮膚的水分,請把表面的油質洗去,可以使用強鹼肥皂或是漂白水處置。

3. 人類的肌肉難以長時間如此站立,因此可以請KEEPER來提供支撐。當身上的水分、土壤都漸漸流失,便必須從KEEPER獲得養分。請再花費一個月、半年、一年,行走三公尺。漸漸地,你將無法感知周遭人類快速的動作,漸漸失語。

c. 關於種子。若你能夠製造精子,請讓KEEPER取走精子,與卵子結合後注入其他樹木中。若你能夠製造卵子,讓KEEPER注入從其他樹木中獲取的精子。

4. 再試著走得更慢一點。花10年、30年、50年,在土上僅行走三公尺。KEEPER已世代交替,街道也已物換星移。朋友已忘卻你的故事,警察再也無法分辨你是否為人類,但你不在意,周遭有很多樹與你同在,所謂「一天」,將如閃光燈般一瞬而逝。


5. 最終枯萎。

Documentation of ‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’

Translated by Johan Chang
Photo by Jojo KAO

︎ Shin Hanagata
Born in Tokyo in 1995. Works in the fields of performance, media art, and contemporary art. In a technologically accelerating capitalist society, under the reality where being “self” and being “human” becomes increasingly unstable, he focuses on technologies that transform the relationship between body and world, such as communication systems, wearable devices, and prosthetics, attempting to present “new forms of humanity” in contemporary society.

︎ 花形槙
1995 年生於東京,活躍於表演藝術、媒體藝術與當代藝術領域。在技術加速發展的資本主義社會中,「自我」與「人類」的概念越來越不穩定,他聚焦於改變身體與世界之間關係的技術,如通訊系統、穿戴式裝置及義肢,試圖呈現當代社會中的「新型態人類」。

How to be a Keeper

Movement and Traces/  Searching and Waiting/ Being Aware
The world is Synthesized.
My Relationship with plants reminds me of an older piece of work from myself, “Appropriation”.

“Plants in the garden grew appropriately as a result of the meticulous care of the gardeners”
I read this from a book, and thought to myself: the contrast between natural and artificial circumstances are quite interesting. As a plant growing in human’s reign, what degree of growth could is appropriate?

growing as untrimmed, wild, botanical, is somehow not what it’s supposed to do.
either arranged, potted, or in the wild, in manmade environment under control, or unaltered in the wilderness, house plants, or garments of the city, even untamed forests, can be completely monitored within a space depending on the circumstance or never. Between polarity, how do we treat what we think we can have authority over?

Lin Tzu Ning


Let’s keep it that way

Achieving the perfect balance between being in control and letting go while protecting its authenticity. To cultivate, is to show up and to be present, until the foreseen fantasy arrives as the future.

Knowing thyself, as well as  seeing it within others, we are one altogether emerging in individuality.

As plants we all grow from soil, and as souls we all come from the same source.

After all, we will rot, transforming into nutrient dense matter for something new to grow on.



The feeling of an idle machine starting once again in a very long time
(but in actuality it is one emotional machinery. yes, ironically, emotional)

The contradicting feeling allows me to acknowledge my own consciousness
sprouting while being and obedient, repetitive device. To attract, obtain and lure in.

Speaking of my relationship with plants, I was reminded an experience that I once had during a performance act.
I took off my shirt and hooked it on a tree as I swung through an arm length gap. We were so close but I still fell through. I didn’t know what to do, so I hugged the tree very tightly. It might sound a bit cliche, but I really enjoyed the tight embrace.

Jung Ching Zhou


Zoo Keeper was a popular mini game I played at high school. In the game, you play as an animal supervisor, listening instructions given by characters to remove and relocate certain animals. A level after another, it was endless. Everybody was excited to play during our day breaks in class as a “keeper”, and have some form of control within the zoo, mean time it being controlled by the game algorithm and also other gamers, while the above was designed by the developers, that are given commands by their manager. Through these different layers of manipulation, comes with different levels of responsibility. I wonder the  identity of a “keeper” is to “keep”, or be “kept”? And who is the ultimate meta keeper? What are the subjects that are being kept trying to keep?

Zito Tseng


In regard to the decisions that I was able to make, the only one that I hesitated, was when I found out a dodder plant climbing on camilla flowers at my front door in a rapid paste. I never bothered to research, but the flowers seemed like it was bred as specific kind to grow in front of every doorstep in the community. After my father passed away and my mother was diagnosed with dementia, it never bloomed. Along side of being a full time caretaker to my mother, I never thought about whether I should take care of the plants growing around my home. My imagination about nature was blinded, and ceased to feel the repulsion I had in taking care of things. When the wet season passed, I see those dodders hugging the camilla so vivaciously, full of life, delicately unfolding the branches of the host plant. I was astonished. Finally, I started to detangle, it was not easy, though pulling out the roots gave me a sense of satisfaction. When spring came, the flowers bloomed.

Chan Kai-An


Incomplete forms of living
as a complete individual
Resembling a creation made by artificial intelligence from foreign matter
What is life?
what is motion, and why?
I am clueless
Just going with a carnal impulse
driven automatically,
I am a module
that exists infinitely
I am as I am
My existence seem to be chance
My plan is not my reason
just happens to be my purpose
an intention in life was then born

- My relationship with plants
A psychic once told me I had a few life times incarnated as trees, specifically cherry blossoms. In this life, I don’t feel a particular connection with plants, every plant except for cactuses died for me. Maybe that explains why I left the plant realm and reincarnated as a human. When I smoke, I look at trees, its leaves, and how they exist. I admire how they stay at the same place, from that I remind myself I can live like that, too. No need to push hard, nor to put in too much effort. Simply just existing as they are.

Pusheng Tang

如何成為管理者 / 守護者 / 監管者 / 維持者

移動 / 軌跡 / 探勘 / 等待 / 覺察








Let’s keep it that way


培育: (陪)伴直到抵達(預)見的幻景

肢己枝彼 同時是 也非完全共同體









Zoo Keeper 是一個高中風靡全班的小遊戲。遊戲中,你扮演者一個動物管理員,因應園長命令,在關卡中要不斷挪移和消滅各種指定的動物。過了一關永遠還有下一關。每天我們班上最大的娛樂之一就是在下課的十分鐘,群起興奮地操控動物。當這個職位叫做 keeper 的遊戲角色在管理動物,也同時正在被遊戲玩家管理著。遊戲玩家也正在被遊戲機制管理者。遊戲機制也正在被遊戲設計師管理者。遊戲設計師也正在被主管管理著。這一層層的關係中,衍生出一層層管理的職責。到底叫做 keeper 是因為我們在管理、必須管理、還是正在被管理?又到底誰是那metametameta管理者?我們在管理的對象又在管理著什麼呢?

Zito Tseng






- 關於植物,與它們的關係



Documentation of ‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’

Translated by Rahci Go
Photo by Chia-Yu Hung

How to live in a Concrete Box

Sheryl Cheung

Shut the camera only to find your shadow still present in the monitor
A blocked out shape against a reel of virtually projected memories
In your mind
You drop a few stones in the water and let the dead fig tree flutter
Feeding echoes into the belly of a parasitical machine

Neurons restructuring to regain agility
The image of dodders keep creeping in
Speedy creatures that consume all prey within reach
Whose desires and fantasies
Echo throughout the soundtrack of your life
Carbon sediment sits at the foot of the pixelated landscape
The machine continues to hum





Documentation of ‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’
Photo by Chia-Yu Hung

︎ Sheryl Cheung
Sheryl Cheung works between experimental sound compositions, abstract scoring and performances to explore a material concept of life. Perceiving life as a force, a mobility that drives our innate persistence to live, she explores how active listening (working with sound) can be a mind and body practice to negotiate different noises of the world.

︎ 張欣

Fire Cold Bloom

Wang Yu-Jun

In scorching heat or freezing cold,
with all one's might unfold
Fiery red,
the story told
Moments of the unknown,
Eternity is as it holds
Blossoms and withers,
for a thousand years,
Cascaded and reborn.






Documentation of
‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’

Translated by Rahci Go

Photo by Chia-Yu Hung

︎ Wang Yu-Jun
Engaged in artistic creation spanning theater, dance, film, and contemporary art, Wang Yu-Jun is one of the few singers in Taiwan who combines poetry and literature. She continues to explore the boundaries and sing the truth of life with her voice. In recent years, she has been interested in the experimental poetic qualities extended from sounds and literature, the multi-dimensional sonic-imagery space expanded by dialogue visuals, the polyphonic relationship between musical sounds and Taiwan’s art history, and the resonant sounds captured through the acts of gathering and human voices. Her works explore the unknown sounds of the future on the timeline while also responding to the call of the ancient earth. She aspires to emulate the spirit of farming, adapt to the changes of natural seasons, and continue creating art to capture the breaths of life in the moment. She seeks to engage in cultural dialogues in the context of poetry and song.

︎ 王榆鈞







  2022年5月 26 日下午六時許,從朋友那邊拿到 Midjourney AI 的邀請函之後,我立刻開始測試一些猜想的詞彙。由於當時我正在著迷於建築史與相關理論,手邊有著 Viollet-le-Duc 的《建築學講義》,其中多次強調建築物的功能及其隱喻,乃是來自生物學。回想大學時期組織學課程與細胞生物學的內容,我用了這樣的關鍵詞:


    簡直像是魔女的大鍋似的,一股腦兒把當時在閱讀的東西全都扔進去煮。然後交給 Midjourney (當時還是 V2版本)燉煮。煮出來出現了這張圖的時刻,我初次被震撼到了,或者說是有一種奇妙的感動。這個感動並不是來自圖的美學判斷,而是來自於一種奇妙的「被理解感」:我這樣一股腦兒地發言,AI竟然也願意理解,並且將語彙透過生成圖的形式回應我。

    畢竟我們知道,在社會的交際場合,要是「一股腦兒地」將自己想說的話,毫不克制地丟給對方,不僅會破壞對話的平衡與氣氛,同時雙方也都會不太自在。但在這個時刻,我發現 AI 不會有這樣的狀況。為了確認此事,我又繼續丟新的食材請他烹煮:


    這是另一點我感到相當快樂的事,我不用特地想著脈絡、論述與特定術語的背景知識,我只要腦中想到什麼說什麼就可以了。當時書桌上,柯比意的《Le Poème de l'Angle droit》(直角之詩)還在近旁,彷彿預告似的,書中寫著:








    ——《Le Poème de l'Angle droit》,B2: Esprit

    在這時刻,我便整個人陷了進去,與這位人工智能進行綿長的交談。由於註冊 Midjourney 並付費之後,text-to-image 的生成過程是在 Discord 平台上的聊天室進行,而該平台的聊天室原本就顯得相當孤立、安靜且令人容易專注,因此當我與 Midjourney 對談時,芥川龍之介的短篇小說〈魔術〉的場景:小說以第一人稱的方式,向魔術師米斯拉(ミスラ)討教的那種專注對話氣氛,就鮮明地浮現了出來。彷彿是我在向一位魔術師求教:

  「嘿,請告訴我如果將日系 RPG、攝影師威特金、解剖學、楊.思凡克梅耶、懸絲傀儡和浮世繪融合在一起,會形成什麼東西吧。

















「成了」(Consummatum est)——合同寫好啦,


    把自己比為浮士德似乎是太魯莽了點,把 AI 比喻成梅菲斯特,似乎也過於天真地將文學作品的場景直接套在AI運作的情境上,十足缺乏對於其中自然語言處理(NLP)與深度學習模型的描述與闡明。但就算如此,那種引誘著人們將自己記憶中的詞彙,拿來和一台神秘的機器講述的過程,還是使人產生了幻覺,彷彿那真的像是一尊吸收人類文明知識的(弱)惡魔,也許有一天會強大到難以控制。但「像惡魔」這件事本身,對我來說具有正面意義:我對於惡魔在歷來口傳文學與神話體系中,按照程式性運作展現的姿態與行動,始終抱持著好感。

    為了和這惡魔繼續深度相處,翌日我開始嘗試生成一連串圖像:將組織學的術語和圖書館建築物結合的圖像;異形昆蟲與歐陸油畫結合的圖像;粗顆粒的過期膠卷拍攝怪物或神話生物的圖像,以及虛構的諾夫哥羅德手稿圖像等等。總而言之,我瘋狂地將自己喜歡的符碼與圖案,像素材一樣一直丟入 Midjourney 鍋內烹煮。

圖四:兩張清楚而美麗的臉與異形蝴蝶和食肉蛛相融合,以卡納列托的風格繪製。(2022, 0527)

    這時我突然想起學生時代玩的《模擬城市 2000》。這遊戲可以讓玩家先編輯地形,接下來再將城市實踐於該地形之上。當時我跑去查閱了各種附有地形圖的Atlas,然後盡可能將地形編輯得像該地域的樣子(例如馬丘比丘或是布達佩斯),然後建造一座虛構的城市在遊戲內。現在有了這位能力超群的惡魔蜜喬尼(我幫他取的音譯名),那麼請他生成一系列城市必然也不難吧。

圖五:在精緻的水晶茶壺內,有一座現代的大城市,裡頭有一座市場且有許多人在其中移動,以十六世紀的風格繪製,彩色墨水於紙上。(2022, 0529)

圖六:在巨大的透明顱骨內,有一只極為精緻的水晶小茶壺,一座巨大的現代城市在顱骨內,並附有顱骨的歷代變遷圖,以十七世紀的風格繪製,彩色墨水於紙上。(2022, 0529)


圖七:一只透明的馬顱骨瓶中,有一座巨大的未來城市與太空船,以十八世紀的風格繪製,彩色墨水於紙上。(2022, 0530)

圖八:十九世紀科學圖解,彩色墨水於紙上,在一個巨大的透明馬顱骨中,一座極其華麗且多色的現代城市座落於顱骨內。(2023, 0112)


圖九:一個超級龐大的巨人被肢解,巨人軀幹的殘骸上冒出許多巨大的皮膚泡, 所有的皮膚泡中都有座二十二世紀的城市,在有草坪與湖的風景中,以十八世紀的風格繪製(2022, 0603)















圖十:許多透明的雨滴在空中,每一顆雨滴內都有一座二十二世紀的城市,城市上空有船艦飛行,以十八世紀的圖像風格呈現,彩色墨水繪製於紙上(2022, 0531)

圖十一:有兩座異常巨大的雲霄飛車軌道,有許多座巨大的二十二世紀工業城市懸吊在這些軌道之下,一些船艦飛過這些軌道,而城市的建築物被美觀的公園包圍,數以千計的民眾從軌道上落下。(2022, 0604)

    在城市系列發展的過程當中,隨著蜜喬尼版本的演進,他在自然語言理解上又有了一些進展。在打磨對話的過程裡,我發現有時太鉅細靡遺的描述,反而會適得其反。何況所謂的「鉅細靡遺」也僅只是基於昔日人類的閱讀模式做出的形容,未必適用於 text-to-image 的蜜喬尼。於是,就需要花一些時間去測試,看看如何刪減能使句法變得單純,但同時又能生成到位的圖。而在這測試過程中,出現的系列就是「各季節帶的人種及其城市系列」。

    這個系列的發想,來自於大學時熱愛的一些地理誌,尤其是阿拉伯人與波斯人所留下的各種有趣的東方地理誌。例如13世紀的學者 Zakariya al-Qazwini,或是 Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi 的著作。以 al-Qazwini 的著作《世界美妙之物與珍品誌》裡頭的這一段為例:



圖十二:一個人的軀幹與麻辣鍋相混融的剖面示意圖,並有焚燒的火鍋建築物,由赤銅和香料築成,且在市場內。以十九世紀科學圖解繪製,彩色墨水繪於紙上。(2022, 1212)

圖十三:一個人具有的電球軀幹的剖面示意圖,這裡顯示的是他們各種不同性別的肖像, 及其各類由玻璃燈泡構成的器官或四肢。以十九世紀科學圖解繪製,彩色墨水繪於紙上。(2022, 1213)

圖十四:一張剖面圖顯示螢光燈管人與其玻璃四肢的樣貌,並呈現螢光燈管人胚胎發育的不同階段。以十九世紀科學圖解繪製,彩色墨水於紙上。(2023, 0604)

    於數千張圖的描述構築過程中,以蜜喬尼的自然語言處理為鏡子,我多次反省:我平常怎麼說話,我的語言如何驅使我展開想像的行動?我確實知道我在說什麼嗎?在這個人機共構的對話劇場當中,當我透過生成的圖像「聽見」AI 回覆給我的話語時,我注意到:我所發出的話語,其某些面向,似乎只能透過這些圖像顯現,而這些面向乃是在日常的慣性中難以察覺的。這其實是一種震撼,讓我聯想到羅蘭.巴特在〈布萊希特與話語:對話語性研究的貢獻〉裡面所提及的震撼:


圖十五:一個男子穿著黑西裝嫁給一位魚臉型的外星人,該外星人穿著東亞的婚紗,位在一亞洲的餐廳內。1940年代的黑白攝影作品。(2022, 0923)


圖十六(兩張,描述相同):一座迷宮行星懸在黑暗宇宙當中,迷宮由書與書櫃構成。20 世紀的銅板蝕刻畫,版印在紙上。(2023, 0318)


(Update: 2023-09-28)

︎ Yang Yu Chiao
Yang Yu Chiao, an avid walker with a deep appreciation for the remnants of trees, is a skilled oral performer of traditional folktales and an interdisciplinary narrative artist. With years of engagement in oral literature, drama, and cinematic narrative studies, Yang regularly conducts lectures and exhibitions on "World Folktales."

Since 2017, Yang has embarked on experimental sonic performances, merging vocal music, free improvisation, and oral performance art in the " Anamorphosis & Anatexis" and "Necromantia Dispersus" series. Yang has been invited multiple times to participate in domestic and international arts festivals and exhibitions. Recently,  Yang has been invited to Typojanchi 2023 in South Korea to develop the Theme exhibition work "Blackboard Scribophone."

Except for visual narrative education, Yang is also an educational lecturer at the Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts. Yang has published various experimental literary works, including the sound-image poetry collection "Xi-Xiang (肸蠁)," and actively collaborates with AI-generated art, such as the comic "Witnesses of the Magpie's End" (2022), as well as written works like "The Taste of AI" (2022) and "Amateur Investigations in the City of Moments" (2023). Additionally, Yang was invited to contribute the online community exhibition "Parallel Universe of Waves" for Cloud Gate Dance Theatre's 50th anniversary project, "Waves."
︎ 楊雨樵

2017開始融合聲樂、自由即興與口頭表演藝術,展開《聲熔質變》與《詩(屍)術流散》系列的實驗聲響演出,多次受邀參與國內外藝術節與展覽活動。2023年受南韓國際字體藝術雙年展 Typojanchi 2023邀請,透過表演與書寫行為,發展主題作品《黑板寫聲》(Blackboard Scribophone)

長年經營影像敘事教育,並擔任衛武營劇場教育講師迄今。曾出版多項實驗性文學創作,如聲成像詩集《肸蠁》,並積極與 AI 生成式藝術進行協作,如漫畫《鵲之終末的目擊者》(2022),以及文字作品《AI之味》(2022)、《瞬間城的業餘調查報告》(2023),並受邀構作雲門50《波》的網路社群展演:〈波的平行宇宙〉。

When I practice Taichi with my washing machine

The sound of the machine balances my movements and my mind is at peace

This is my second time synchronizing with a machine

The first time was with a standing electric fan.






Spiritual at sunrise, positive in the morning

By noon, I stand between black and whiteI seek humor in the evening

And stare at the refrigerator in the late night







A warm body that exchanges Power internally and externally

Water boils into heat that rises through the cracks

Hisses until the automatic switch jumps up








3C Xing Yi Quan: Homemaker (Selected Forms)

Fan  Inspired by Artist Sheryl Cheung, Developed with Shang Bo Lin.
Refrigerator  Inspired by Homemaker Ms.Jiang. Developed by Taichi Master Fuxin and Practice with Pacific Pirate friends.
Ricecooker  Inspired by Taichi Master Yen and Audrey Tang. Developed with Liu MoMo, Mina, Wang Yuxiang, Wang Canxiang, Qi Yu, Cai Huiling and Yuan Yingru.

Xia Lin’s ongoing project ’3C Xing Yi Quan' is a open source new style of martial arts that imitates the body language and characteristics of technological products. The term 3C here refers to computer, communication, and consumer electronics. Xin Yi Quan 形意拳 is a form of internal martial arts and is based on capturing the essence of animal behavioral ecology. Learn from these products by imitation, experience, and cohabitation, in order to find a sense of symbiosis and enjoyment with our new technological nature.

The videos on display includes selected from the "3C Xing Yi Quan: Develop Workshop" series, ordered in accordance to Xia Lin's present Homemaker practice routine.
3C Xing Yi Quan: Homemaker (節選招式)

電鍋|受到太極顏老師以及唐鳳的啟發,動作由 Liu MoMo, Mina, Wang Yuxiang, Wang Canxiang, Qi Yu, Cai Huiling 與 Yuan Yingru 開發。

林亭君持續發展中的《3C形意拳》是一套開源協作的新內家拳法,以全新的角度體驗數位科技生活的都市修行,古老的形意拳在於捕捉自然界動物的行為生態,那些充斥在日常裡的各種3C產品,已構成我們所熟悉的新自然環境。最高的「形意」境界是「成為」,通過身體行為和精神意會,轉換我們對這些技術物的認知經驗與關係。 2017年起林亭君以集體開發工作坊、實驗展演等藝術實踐與不同群體交流。透過形神意會,領略現代新自然,預備具有未來特性的身心調和技術。


︎ Xia Lin
Xia Lin employs multimedia, video, text and performance for an artistic practice that concerns Taichi philosophy, martial arts, and cognitive processes of humans and machines. Xia’s ongoing project 3C Xing Yi Quan is a new form of internal martial arts that seeks to grasp the essence of mobile computer gadgets and accessories. The practice helps mind and body equilibrium in the digital age. 
︎ 林亭君


︎Training Core

Elastic Dialogues 談彈性

Xin Cheng & Heidi Salaverria

Click on the picture to enter 

︎ Xin Cheng
Artist and researcher of everyday resourcefulness, solidary societies and improvisation, has hosted workshops and exhibited at Floating University Berlin, Chaos Communication Congress, International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno. With 'Design for the Living World' at HFBK Hamburg, she has worked on participatory projects in Germany and Mexico. She also runs the collaborative platform, small workshop with design researcher Chris
Berthelsen. Previous residencies and field research in Norway, Taiwan, Cambodia, Switzerland, Korea, Japan.


︎ 程昕
藝術家兼研究人員,出生於中國,在紐西蘭長大。自2016年起,於漢堡美術學院的社會設計學院攻讀碩士,著手研究墨西哥城和柏林的參與式企劃。長期致力於日常創意、生態和非典型公共空間使用的經驗,讓她得以在柏林的漂浮大學、混沌通訊大會、聖保利的甲板花園、墨西哥城的電子牧場舉辦表演論壇和工作坊。她和設計研究員Chris Berthelsen一同經營名為Small Workshop的合作平台,並且擔任線上刊物hainamana.com的定期撰稿作家。她曾經是奧克蘭藝術家自營空間RM的合夥經營者,並且自2013年開始擔任義大利藝術節Stazione di Topolo的紐西蘭大使。

︎Training Core

Upon Unvolutionarily Disappearing

Grashina Gabelmann

My arrival in Athens indicated yet another fragmentation of my being as each move of mine had, though, ironically, I always have the wish to piece myself together. I left out of fear of stagnation. How I have come to understand this fear is that we are aquatic beings (Why else are our tears wet and salty?). By not being able to flow, water loses its vitality, and so it is crucial for us to move. Bachelard says that a being dedicated to water is a being in flux who dies every minute, something of its substance falling away.[1]

    I am guilty of having tried to ditch the undesirable parts of myself in the past by heading to new cities, as if placing my feet on foreign concrete would overwrite what had been written elsewhere. These undesirables, parts of our shadow self, will grant you a holiday from them momentarily but they will return, and then you're left with the challenge of reintegration. Suddenly the city is no longer a blank slate but a palimpsest showing you that all you've been you still are. I had experienced this unromantic turn of events between myself and cities many times before and so this time I had the intention of taking all parts with me when I moved to Athens, a town I had briefly lived in a couple of years before.

    The young boy who always played the accordion on the street that covers a river was still there when I returned. He was well on his way to becoming a young man with peachy fuzz and awkward pimples covering his face. I walked past, our eyes met, and we nodded at each other in acknowledgment. He had recognized me just as I had recognized him. I had wholly dedicated myself to this street with my eyes cast downwards to its details when I last spent a considerable amount of time here. Upon returning, I had to admit to myself that I didn't know how to be in other parts of the city and I didn't know what I should be dedicating myself to.

   To be without purpose in a metropolis is alienating, as one layer of the city's energetic make-up consists of the stamina its inhabitants produce as they move from one place to the next with intent. Those without purpose don't contribute to this collective energy, and that makes them both suspicious and invisible. Here I was one of them, and I began to wonder if I hadn't always been. These were the thoughts my random walks were triggering. Once, in a moment of rest, I observed a man filling plastic buckets with water, from an underground pipe that wasn't his to access, so that pigeons had a place to bathe. I didn't know if I was shifting the heaviness I felt into or out of myself by walking. Seeing flyers I couldn't read taped across the walls of the city made me think that if I were paper, I'd be origami: becoming smaller and smaller to take on different shapes. I was being melodramatic, but perhaps that too was an attempt to uncover what was not visible within me.

    The café that was my home on Fokionos Negri, the street of the accordion boy, was named after Apollo, the god of truth and healing. One afternoon a man came in and went straight for my table animately speaking in Greek. Upon noticing that I couldn't understand he switched to Italian (which I couldn't understand either) and grabbed my water bottle as a prop for his story. He placed it so that it was leaning against another object on the table and I understood enough to know that he was speaking about the Leaning Tower of Pisa as he circled his hands around his construction bursting with excitement. Within a minute his whole performance was over, and he disappeared. Another customer translated for me: around the time of the tower's construction those in charge had the wish to make it lean a little less and tried using ropes and levers to straighten it slightly, but it stopped budging before reaching the desired angle. What to do? A little boy in the crowd came up with the idea to soak the ropes in water so as to increase their weight and strength. It worked – the water moved the tower.

    Hearing this story, I remembered a Greek friend telling me: »The Germans destroyed the Acropolis but what is much worse is that the Greeks destroyed their own rivers.« There wasn't just the one, there were many, and I had forgotten this until now. How often must I have crossed waterways on my aimless strolls through Athens? Through the act of covering, the city had forced the waters and those walking on top into a game of hide and seek. I suddenly realized that what made most sense to me, after months of being numbed by the senselessness I felt while walking around, was to spend time navigating the waters as if to participate in a dialogue of solidarity with something that too was there while it wasn't.

    When I first set out to meet the hidden waters I felt an interesting sense of awkwardness. I had never navigated a city in such a constructed way but the comforting feeling of having something to engage with trumped the awkwardness. On my way to seek out the Ilissos river, which in antiquity had been considered the second main river of Athens after the Kifissos, I asked myself: who is choosing to show us what in a city?

    In 1832, after gaining independence from the Turks, the winners replaced the Ottomans with Otto, a king from Bavaria, who decided to replace Nafplion with Athens as the Hellenic capital and reinvent Athens as a modern city enveloped in its past. The young king had a fetish for antiquity, as did the rest of Europe, so that centuries of Byzantine history were quickly erased by his team of architects. Their task was to make the invisible visible again, to construct a glorious past and to fill the new capital with new ruins. This would prove to impede the city's growth, as constructing the new became a tip-toeing around the old. If one thing can't be moved another thing has to budge, and in Athens’ case, it was its rivers – covering rivers is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to gain land.

    I decided to walk down the hidden Ilissos starting from the Goudi Open Air Swimming Pool located about five kilometers east of the center. Ilissos emits from the north-western slopes of Hymettus mountain collecting rainwater from smaller streams, running to the eastern and southern parts of Athens' historical center where it joins the city's third river, Eridanos, in its route towards the Gulf of Faliro. Here the two rivers, now one, empty into the ocean.

   I walked past a house on Ilision street that looked like a big front tooth mid-way through its decaying process – but a very systematic decaying process as everything from the first to the third floor was perfectly intact while the next three stories were just gaping big holes. The owner must have run out of money. I passed black and white billboards bleached out by the sun and shredded canvases on balconies that had once functioned to keep out the light. The torn bits were being flapped around by the wind reminding me of a weather-worn flag stuck into the ice at the top of a mountain.

    The gradual covering of Ilissos and Kifissos began in the late 19th century after a devastating storm in 1897 had led to the flooding of both rivers causing death and severe damages to the city's transportation and telecommunication systems. But the floods were not a random event – they were the direct result of the municipality of Athens having exploited the river banks for several decades by collecting sand and gravel for roads which the new capital needed to fulfill its desperate urge for expansion. The rivers that had known how to be for millennia had been bugged through the disregard of humans and so a storm, which the rivers most likely could have handled if they had been left untampered, lead to floods and fatalities.

    The covering of Ilissos began three years after the flood, and so the rivers were being unjustly punished by those who had caused the trouble. They began to be regarded as foreign enemies that had to be eradicated. After Metaxas became Prime Minister of Greece in 1936, he declared a state of emergency and promised he would hold »all the power I need for saving Greece from the catastrophes which threaten her«. He ordered the further covering of Ilissos, up to the Panathenaic Stadium, declaring, to a cheering crowd: »Today we bury Ilissos!« It was as if by getting rid of this ›external danger‹the authoritarian ruler reached the status of a hero. Simultaneously, Metaxas began to ban political parties (including his own) and strikes and to restrict freedom of speech.

    The smaller streets had turned into the vast avenue of Leoforos Vasileos Konstantinou. As I walked, I felt how overwritten my interiors were. One narrative, before it is entirely played out, is covered up by another one. I move too quickly from one place to the next to keep up with myself and though this is exhausting, staying put is even more terrifying. I am aware of the luxury that comes with being able to move freely, so there's also a portion of guilt involved. I walked past a »Truth Will Arise« graffito, the Panathenaic Stadium on Ardittou Street, a shut banana themed tavern, a waterless swimming pool and an archeological site hidden behind a fence. I realized later that this had been the Basilica of Ilissos. A bit further on, the street slivered around a small bend where a large boulder suddenly appeared, interrupting the sidewalk in such a stark manner that pedestrians were forced to step onto the street and balance on the tram tracks awkwardly before being able to get back to the safety of the sidewalk. Steps led down a small two-storied church topped with four copper bells. Visible beyond the roof of the church were the tall remains of Zeus' temple.

    I walked down to the church and saw that it was surrounded by a type of wilderness I had not yet seen in this city. In front of the church were five benches and behind the seats and around the church was a little ravine – the dry riverbed of Ilissos. Instead of water, there were palm trees, oleanders, willows, plane trees and olive trees. I found a half barren piece of land behind the church covered in yellow and brown grasses. I saw movement in the bushes and caught sight of the thing disappearing in time enough to realize it was a man and not an animal. I inched closer to the edge of the riverbed with the naive hope of catching a glimpse of water, but the only thing I saw was another man, or possibly the same one, scurrying through the bushes. Perhaps this was someone's shelter. I went back to the church where I sat on a bench facing the church with the river bed behind me. Two benches to my right was a middle-aged man with a thick brown beard and a turban, typing on his phone but acknowledging my presence. Two benches to my left sat an old man with a flowing white beard holding a bottle of alcohol, staring at the floor in front of him.

    There was something potent about the energy here: sitting with my back to the riverbed that was dry yet full of life, I heard men rustling through its bushes. And then there was the sight of this huge boulder next to the church that had apparently been left there for archaeological reasons. It was the only place in which I had felt the urge to stay during my walk to meet the river. Arriving here made me feel as though I had held my breath for the entirety of the walk and only now was I able to exhale. Though both men next to me expelled a gentle sort of energy I still felt as if I was somehow in their territory. The air felt thick of a narrative I wanted to pick up on.

    I eventually felt the urge to get up and walked over to the huge boulder that was blocking the sidewalk. In front of it was a sign informing me that it had been a temple for Pan, the god with goat horns and legs, associated with the wild, music, fertility and often displayed with a phallus. I found out later that while building the road in the 1960s, dynamite had been placed on all the rocks that were in its way. An archeologist was so confident that this rock was the remains of a temple that she tied herself to it and was able to save it. You can still see the little pockets carved into the rock that were meant to keep the dynamite in place. The temple was saved, but the road was built nonetheless forcing the pedestrians to awkwardly navigate their way around.

    I ascended the stairs and continued walking the road for a few meters before I found a little dirt path winding right off it, going slightly downhill with the river bed now to my right. I continued walking deeper into the riverbed and was met by the man wearing the turban who had sat next to me earlier. Our eyes met briefly, but he glanced away guiltily. As I continued walking the river bed made a turn where two basins had once been. I bumped into another man emerging from the depths of the river bed and saw yet another further on lounging on the trunk of a tree. I began to feel that I was not meant to navigate these grounds. My inkling, having perhaps arrived rather late, was proven right when a fourth man passing by asked me, not rudely but defiantly, what I was looking for. By searching for something hidden I was lead to a place where people were hiding things: I had stumbled into a cruising spot, a place for consensually exchanging fluids, in a dry space that should be wet.

    The charge of energy I had felt when first approaching the church and the intensity that invited me to stay started to make sense. Men came here, next to phallic Pan's temple, to give space to a part of themselves which they perhaps couldn't or didn't want to integrate into their daily lives. The river bed, in the center of the city but hidden away from the masses of tourists heading to Zeus' Temple just meters away, had unconsciously been asked to act as the carrier of man's shadow.

  Na to pari to potami is Greek for ›Let the river take it‹. It once meant asking the river to take what one does not need, it was asking the river to assist in the act of letting go or in taking a secret that one has been told but does not want to carry. During antiquity sacrifices were made to the river gods as the survival of the people depended on them, and youths heading towards adulthood threw bits of their hair into the flowing waters as a rite of passage and to ensure their fertility. At some point, a rupture occurred, leading people to play gods themselves. When man's greed for growth polluted the rivers and made them reek, man covered the waters as not to be discomforted by the stench. These rivers contain the collective shadow. They house everything the city does not want to see. Jung believed that the notion of ›out-thereness‹, of projecting one's shadow onto something else, is the most dangerous aspect of the modern psyche. The shadow will claim its dues in some form or another.

    I left the river to sit in a café across the street where I could see men lingering on top of the bridge before they either mustered up the courage or made eye contact with someone, thus slipping away into the riverbed and out of my sight. It hadn't been my intention to spy on cruising men, and I wasn't really, but something about this place had captivated me, and I couldn't leave it. It started raining after I entered the café and so the rain also gave me a valid excuse to stay put.

    Being in a rented apartment is to be in a structure that has housed many bodies and souls before one's arrival. Cities are spaces full of stories, information, memories but we don't know how to receive these stories, so we don't know which narratives we have joined, to which stories we might be making a sequel. I believe that we somewhat understand on this a subconscious level and that is why we are drawn to some places more than others.

    The Romans believed in the genius loci, the spirit that maintains the tradition of an area by revealing enough of itself so that people continue its energetic traditions subconsciously. This spirit doesn't fade but just like water remembers everything that occurs in it or in its environment. With Ilissos' dry riverbed gay men had chosen a spot that was not only sexually charged because of Pan but had been host to many homosexual activities during antiquity when men would train in gymnasiums along the river banks, would learn from each other and love each other. Just meters from the bridge that now gives men the ability to be invisible for a moment is said to be where Phaedrus and Socrates chose to sit and cool off after meandering the river. It's there that they probably not only spoke about love but also made love.

    In The Faraway Nearby Rebecca Solnit writes that to feel for somebody enlarges the self. As I left the river in the rain, I felt larger as in ›more present‹. I had gained ground on myself. I had stepped out of myself and into the river, creating a purpose for myself in the form of just being with it. This purpose enabled me to participate with my surroundings – the tangible and the invisible – as if my consideration for the river was my contribution to the place allowing me to finally land.

   A few days later news arrived my way that a part of a parking lot had cracked open and swallowed three cars. The parking lot was built in 1987 on top of the Ilissos river. The river too had expanded and gained ground on itself. There is a group of people in Athens who want to reveal the river and bring it back into existence. Its unexpected appearance through 30-year-old asphalt lets us know that it is very much in existence already, able to daylight itself when it wants to be seen.

   Where I walked, the asphalt was hollow.

[1] Gaston Bachelard, Water and Dreams:An Essay on the Imagination of Matter,Dallas 1999.


︎ Grashina Gabelmann 
Grashina Gabelmann is founding member and editor-in-chief of Flaneur Magazine; a nomadic, multi-disciplinary and psychogeographic endeavour. Also a freelance writer, her methodology currently involves the osmosis of specific bodies of water, their relationship to their environment and how humans actively/passively play into this.
As a Kundalini Yoga teacher-in-training, she is also fascinated by the effects sound and movement have on the ten bodies. She is based in Berlin.


Grashina Gabelmann 是 Flaneur 雜誌的創始成員兼主編;漫遊的、跨領域的、涉及心理地理學的項目;一位自由寫作家,目前創作脈絡涉及滲透的水域與周圍環境的關係,以及人類是如何主動 / 被動地參與此過程其中。作為昆達里尼瑜伽的培訓老師,她著迷於聲音和動作對十身的影響。 格伯曼居住柏林。

︎Training Core



HB/AV is a series of artist-led movement seminars designed for audio/video download. The concept of HB/AV is the same as HB's workshop series: bringing together somatic exercises with critical discourse that might take the form of a lecture, a dialogue, a guided meditation, and/or other modes of experimental and performative texts - basically “Heavy Breathing on the Go”.


Chani Bockwinkel

SAPPHO and SWEAT 薩福與汗水

(2018, 23:06)

A luxurious and sweaty strange dance class to perform alone in your room. A thunderfuck of somatics, athletics and the burning words of Sappho's poetry.

"...that loosener of limbs, bittersweet creature against which nothing can be done.” — Sappho



Anne Carson, If Not Winter, Fragments of Sappho
Tom Meyers, Anatomy Trains
Irene Dowd, Taking Root to Fly
Mary R. Lefkowitz,
Women in Greek Myth

Christina Linden

Monsters Herding Cats, and Ducks In A Row


(2018, 10:00)

Audio guide for a session of stretching, rolling, crawling, and light contact improv for adults and their baby or toddler friends. Readings of selected excerpts from children's books and Moyra Davey's Mother Reader. Bring your own music.

適合成人、嬰兒、和幼兒朋友們的語音導覽,內容包括拉伸、滾動、爬行、輕量的接觸即興活動、以及摘自莫伊拉 · 戴維的母親讀本、兒童書籍的文本閱讀。請配上你自己選擇的音樂。

Claudia La Rocco

If we are to have magical bodies
we must have magical minds 

(2018, 18:40)

This is a somewhat condensed version of my contribution to the Heavy Breathing series, which I performed at the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive in 2017. It is a splice of my two practices, shuttling between very different or maybe very similar modes: my writing, and my teacher’s notes.
Some of the writing is new and some of it is previously published; some of the notes are edited, and some are not.


Kate Rhoades + Eli Thorne

Dirty Work 熱活

(2018, 22:11)

We lead couples in a strength training workout based on a chapter from Ann McClintock's book, Imperial Leather which investigates gender, violence, class, and BDSM in Victorian England. Participants will take turns being submissive or dominant and get dirty while building muscle.

Special thanks to Stephanie Ellis.

我們帶領情侶進行體能訓練,內容起源於安 · 麥克克林托克的著作「帝國皮革」裡其中一章,調查維多利亞時代英格蘭有關性別、暴力、階級和BDSM的歷史。 參與者將輪流擔任順從或主導的角色,在熱情的運動中增長肌力。

特別鳴謝  史提芬妮 · 艾利斯。

Tom Comitta

Born to Run 生來就是要奔跑的

(2018, 45:34)

Thank you to Sophia Wang and Lisa Rybovich Crallé for creating a space and context for this piece. For more information on literary supercuts — mine and others — check out this conversation between me and Jez Burrows published by The Believer in May 2018: https://logger.believermag.com/post/comitta-burrows

Born to Run is an audio chapbook that collages descriptions of running and jogging from over 60 novels. There's everything in here from Stephen King's The Running Man to Cynthia Voigt's The Runner, with a sprinkling of Charles Dickens, Agatha Christie and Samuel R. Delany. To experience this piece, a listener would get on a treadmill, elliptical or any artificial exercise device, put on headphones and press play.

感謝Sophia Wang 和 LisaRybovichCrallé為這件作品創造的場域和語境。
有關此項目的更多文學精選 - 自我和其他作者 - 請查閱2018年5月由The Believer出版訪談: https://logger.believermag.com/post/comitta-burrows

「生來就是要奔跑的」是一段語音章節,拼貼60多部小說中跑步和慢跑的描述。 涵蓋的著作有斯蒂芬 · 金的過關斬將和辛西亞 · 佛特的跑者,其中包括查爾斯 · 狄更斯、阿加莎 · 克里斯蒂和塞繆爾 R.德拉尼。以體驗這件作品,請站上跑步機,滑步機或任何人工運動裝置,隨著肢體的運動,戴上耳機並按播放。

Christian Nagler



(2018, 22:28)

In this session we will delve deeply into some embodied non-solutions to the problem of global risk management. What are global risk management practices and how do they relate to our nervous systems? Listen, follow along and engage in an athletic and de-armoring session of Reichian somatics, full-corpus spasms, and galactic tingles. Wear comfortable clothes. Prepare to move, breathe intensely, yell, and freak out a little.

Performer Bios
Amelia Charter is an artist, performer and teacher living in Los Angeles.
Kevin Nagler is an artist currently located in Abiquiu, New Mexico
Susannah Schoff is a teacher who lives in Alameda, CA

1. Ulrich Beck, Living in the World Risk Society, 2006
2. Michel Foucault, Security Territory, Population, Lectures at the College de France, 1979 (especially lecture no. 2)
3. Benjamin Lee and Edward Lipuma, Circulatory Risks and the Speculative Habitus
4. Dusan Makavejev, WR: Mysteries of the Organism, 1971
5. Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, 1933 and Character Analysis, 1933
6. Claire Souch, Pushing the Boundaries of Catastrophe Modeling, 2014
7. Peter A. Levine Nature's Lessons in Healing Trauma


克里斯汀 · 納格爾近年來持續對矽谷的表演文化進行人類學研究,創作錄像作品Shoulder Babies,並籌辦一個命名為phoebe的組織。寫作曾發表於 TDR、Performance Research、Art Practical,2016年出版書籍「人力資本:生命」。

︎ Heavy Breathing
Heavy Breathing is a series of experimental movement seminars designed by artists combining physical activity with group discussion on ideas related to their creative practice. Critical thinking often feels heady, abstract, and divorced from the body. How do conversations change when we are moving our bodies and out of breath? What new modes of thinking become possible?

︎ 重呼吸
來自美國西岸的重呼吸(Heavy Breathing)是一系列藝術家策劃的實驗性運動研討會,結合肢體活動與話語交流。批判性思維經常讓人感到頭重腳輕、過於抽象、並與身體分離。當身體在移動中,上氣不接下氣地喘息時,對話又如何改變?什麼樣的新思維模式變得可能?

︎Training Core

We now have mastered
the ability to throw stones with empty hands

Eteam (Hajoe Moderegger and Franziska Lamprecht)

Who knows the future of predictions? Will they be made by machines, our fortunes told by data? Techne, as it says in the dictionary we use, comes from the Greek: art, skill, cunning of hand. As in deceiving; craftiness; guile. adeptness in performance; dexterity.

Technology today connects Trillions. But what is that number in comparison to the relations the universe maintains? Relays. We meant to say: But what is that number in comparison to the relations the universe relays to those aware of what? Their bodies? Their being part of the isolation of bodies in space? What kind of space? What kind of body? Condensations in the void?

Lao Tzu says it is the empty part of the vessel that is the most useful. Shape hardware into Internet – is it our ability to throw stones with empty hands that is most useful?

We now can script that into forms of empty gestures. The user’s hand lost its cunning. Currently the cosmic dance is a protest, the cosmic apprentices are bearing witness on behalf of the Internet. We, the Internet protest. We, the Internet practice. We, the Internet are aware of being circled and looked upon from outside angles, being rummaged around in our scripts. Sometimes we do it ourselves. “Not knowing that one knows is best,” says Lao Tzu.

Running clock-wise. Back and forth within that rotation. Even empty space is curved and to adapt to that takes an expanded practice with a limited range of applicability. What bends the mind straightens the body. Intrinsic rhythm. Repeatedly, we say, we are standing upright on two feet and gesture outward. Repeatedly, we signal outward to draw attention to an inner state. In a frame of reference we move with respect to the observer. Relatively speaking, we represent.



今天的科技將億萬的人聯繫起來。但這個數字與宇宙的關係相比是什麼呢?轉換迴路(relay)。 我們的意思是:這個數字相比於宇宙迴路中所傳送的關係又是什麼?那些關係的接收者意識到了什麼?關係的體現?隔離身體的空間?什麼樣的空間?什麼樣的身體? 虛空中的凝結?

老子曾說,「埏埴以為器,當其無,有器之用。」[1]  將硬體塑造成網際網路 - 空手扔石頭的能力是否是最有用呢?


順應時鐘上的指針,在旋轉中來回運行,即使是空的空間也是彎曲的。要適應就必須在有限的應用範圍中擴展練習。拗折意識的東西拉直了我們的身軀。內在的節奏,我們反覆地說;雙腳站立,姿態向外,我們反覆地向外發出信號,召喚對內心狀態的注意。 在這框架中,我們相對觀察者的位置正在移動。 相對的說,我們是一種形象。

[1] https://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=gb&id=11602
[2] https://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=gb&id=11662

︎ Eteam
Since 2001 eteam (Franziska Lamprecht and Hajoe Moderegger) traffic in transience. At the intersection of relational aesthetics, the Internet and land art, eteam coordinates collective happenings and conceptual transactions between the earthly plane and the realms of the interweb, often reconstructed in hypnotic video work, radio plays, or more recently novellas and novels. Their projects have been featured at PS1 NY, MUMOK Vienna, Centre Pompidou Paris, Transmediale Berlin, Taiwan International Documentary Festival, New York Video Festival, International Film Festival Rotterdam, the 11th Biennale of Moving Images in Geneva, among others.


eteam 團隊自2001年由Franziska Lamprecht與Hajoe Moderegger 於倏忽之間瓜田李下地達成交易。eteam合作的方向通常在關係美學、網路、與環境藝術的交匯中,以團隊的方式在我們所處的世界或者互聯網域間安排偶發事件,而這些作品通常以帶有催眠風格的錄像作品,廣播秀,還有最新使用的輕小說或是小說文體。他們過去的作品已經在紐約的PS1當大藝術中心、維也納的MUMOK、巴黎龐畢度中心、柏林的跨媒體藝術節(Transmediale)、台灣國際紀錄片影展、紐約錄像節、鹿特丹國際電影節、第十一界日內瓦動態影像雙年展等國際作品亮相。