︎Training Core

Elastic Dialogues 談彈性

Xin Cheng & Heidi Salaverria

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︎ Xin Cheng
Artist and researcher of everyday resourcefulness, solidary societies and improvisation, has hosted workshops and exhibited at Floating University Berlin, Chaos Communication Congress, International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno. With 'Design for the Living World' at HFBK Hamburg, she has worked on participatory projects in Germany and Mexico. She also runs the collaborative platform, small workshop with design researcher Chris
Berthelsen. Previous residencies and field research in Norway, Taiwan, Cambodia, Switzerland, Korea, Japan.


︎ 程昕
藝術家兼研究人員,出生於中國,在紐西蘭長大。自2016年起,於漢堡美術學院的社會設計學院攻讀碩士,著手研究墨西哥城和柏林的參與式企劃。長期致力於日常創意、生態和非典型公共空間使用的經驗,讓她得以在柏林的漂浮大學、混沌通訊大會、聖保利的甲板花園、墨西哥城的電子牧場舉辦表演論壇和工作坊。她和設計研究員Chris Berthelsen一同經營名為Small Workshop的合作平台,並且擔任線上刊物hainamana.com的定期撰稿作家。她曾經是奧克蘭藝術家自營空間RM的合夥經營者,並且自2013年開始擔任義大利藝術節Stazione di Topolo的紐西蘭大使。