🗃️ BaiHui Playlist 百會
︎Journey on the Surface 表面之旅 ◎Yang Yu Chiao
︎Network Neighborhood 網路上的芳鄰 ◎Liou
︎Daily exercise 日常鍛煉 ◎OHAU!
︎Thousand Character Classic 千字文篆刻計劃 ◎Ebix
︎Hyper Dimension of Illusion 錯視超維度 ◎Shark Lin
︎Motion in pixel, technology in motion 像素中的運動,運動中的技術 ◎Chen Chen Yu
︎The Health Treasury - Four Paths to Virtual Cultivation 養生寶庫 - 虛擬修行四法 ◎Fong Han-Yu
︎E・R・T・D 电・行・弎・衍 ◎Semi Su
︎Playlist 2018 ◎Teng Yung Han
︎Journey on the Surface 表面之旅 ◎Yang Yu Chiao
︎Network Neighborhood 網路上的芳鄰 ◎Liou
︎Daily exercise 日常鍛煉 ◎OHAU!
︎Thousand Character Classic 千字文篆刻計劃 ◎Ebix
︎Hyper Dimension of Illusion 錯視超維度 ◎Shark Lin
︎Motion in pixel, technology in motion 像素中的運動,運動中的技術 ◎Chen Chen Yu
︎The Health Treasury - Four Paths to Virtual Cultivation 養生寶庫 - 虛擬修行四法 ◎Fong Han-Yu
︎E・R・T・D 电・行・弎・衍 ◎Semi Su
︎Playlist 2018 ◎Teng Yung Han
︎Good Morning & Healthy Everyday on LINE 早安健康分享 ◎Yi Xian Healthy Group
︎4D cross-sectioning 4D横截面 ◎Son Ni
︎a (special edition, synthetic) monk 異修(異色版修行)合尚(合成和尚)◎Aush a.k.a. Su Sen Hong
︎An assemblage of my flow of consciousness 自我意識流拼圖 ◎Heng
︎Release Your Mind 舒壓的修行培訓 ◎Scotty Chang
︎We do not see light but see in it 我們觀看的不是,而是在光裡觀看 ◎Jin Chien
Release Your Mind
Scotty Chang
About ‘當代修行’, it let me think about monastic training in a modern city to release your mind. At first I think about the pleasure feeling from my ear, eyes and body moving (index 1~4). Then I link to ‘beauty’, some geometric form in our daily (index 5~6). Then I want more ‘beauty’, but where? Nature (index 7~9). Close to nature is a good way to release your mind even you just watch on the video. But finally a question appear: What we want from ‘修行’? The lyric from this song (index 10) “不去制約,被制約﹔沒有習慣 我喜歡獨白勝過眾人的綵排” This state of mind is what I want: Nothing confine you, and you didn’t confine others. With deep silence in your mind, can easily talk to ( or find) yourself.
「當代修行」讓我想到關於在城市裡舒壓的修行培訓。首先是耳朵的舒壓,眼睛和身體的運動(1-4號視頻),接著是有關美的精選,一些日常生活中的幾何形(5-6號視頻)。之後我繼續想要追尋更多美,但來自哪裏?體現於自然中(7-9號視頻)。接近自然是一個很好舒壓的方式,就算只是透過觀賞影片。最後我們仍要回答一個問題:透過修行想要得到什麼?10號視頻裡歌詞中有這麼一段:「不去制約,被制約﹔沒有習慣 我喜歡獨白勝過眾人的綵排」 這是我期望的狀態,沒有互相制約的狀態。在最深的寧靜中可以找到自己、並和自己對話。
「當代修行」讓我想到關於在城市裡舒壓的修行培訓。首先是耳朵的舒壓,眼睛和身體的運動(1-4號視頻),接著是有關美的精選,一些日常生活中的幾何形(5-6號視頻)。之後我繼續想要追尋更多美,但來自哪裏?體現於自然中(7-9號視頻)。接近自然是一個很好舒壓的方式,就算只是透過觀賞影片。最後我們仍要回答一個問題:透過修行想要得到什麼?10號視頻裡歌詞中有這麼一段:「不去制約,被制約﹔沒有習慣 我喜歡獨白勝過眾人的綵排」 這是我期望的狀態,沒有互相制約的狀態。在最深的寧靜中可以找到自己、並和自己對話。
☯ Scotty Chang
Scotty Chang Android developer and founder of UYAS a startup company for smart speaker designs (Facebook: UYAS.tw) Loves dancing and all things that are beautiful and good.
Scotty Chang Android developer and founder of UYAS a startup company for smart speaker designs (Facebook: UYAS.tw) Loves dancing and all things that are beautiful and good.