Good Morning & Healthy Tips
Everyday on LINE

Yi Xian Healthy Group

Yi Xian Healthy Group
Every morning at 6 am, members of the Yi Xian Health Club gather at Sun Yet Sen Memorial Hall (Taipei) for Taichi practice. The club, founded in 2002, consists on average 70 members from a wide age spectrum, including a 5 year old boy and an 80 year old grandma who can do back flips. While most of its members are retired or elderly, they maintain a very active LINE chat group. Popular chat posts include good morning images, music links, landscape films, health tips and cooking recipes, general jokes and lifestyle information.

☯ 逸仙養生隊 逸仙養生隊成立於民國91年11月12日,每天早晨6點固定會在台北市國父紀念館前的逸仙圖書館前練習太極拳,成員約為70人,多為退休人士及長者,年紀從5歲的孫子至80歲可側空翻的奶奶,團體風氣充滿活力及正向能量,而在LINE群組裡也相當活躍,例如:每日清晨的早安問好圖、轉載音樂及風景影片、健康小知識、養生料理、笑話等生活資訊。