How to be a plant

Shin Hanagata

Before considering how to become a tree, humans may already be trees. They breathe, sense light, and have arms and legs that can move. We have body fluids, tubes that transport nutrients and water, skin where fungi and insects come and create an ecosystem.

But let's get closer to trees.

The Banyan is called the walking tree. It puts its roots down from its branches towards the ground and takes decades to take one step. Try walking slowly like that. Gradually slow down the sense of time.

1: First, walk for about 5 minutes on good soil and take about 3 meters. You can feel the structure of every muscle, bone, and tendon in your body moving. You realize that there is infinite resolution in space. Get closer to trees little by little. Walk for 10 minutes, 1 hour.

a: About grafting. Trees can heal by connecting their branches with their own cross-sections. But it is impossible to heal by connecting the cross-section of a tree and the body of a human. However, try attaching your body to a tree. You will notice the hardness of the tree, how it receives the wind, the sound, smell, and rhythm. Exist accordingly. The branches become hands, the body becomes the trunk, and the tree and the body mix.

2: Slow down further. Take water and walk 3m on the soil taking a day or a week. It is dangerous to fast for more than a week, so you need to get energy by eating soil (there is edible soil called peat).

b: About skin. The tree's skin is very dry. It cracks like atopic dermatitis. To remove the moisture, wash off the surface oil. Apply strong soap or bleach and leave it.

3: It becomes difficult to stand for a long time with human muscles, so you can ask the keepers to put up support poles. If you run out of water and soil you brought, take them from the keepers and walk 3m over the course of 1 month, 6 months, or a year. The movements of the people around you gradually appear faster than you can sense. You lose your words.

c: About seeds. If you can produce sperm, have the keepers collect it and inject it into another tree with an egg. Or if you have an egg, have the keepers collect sperm from another tree and inject it.

4: Slow down even further. Walk 3m on the soil taking 10 years, 30 years, or 50 years. The keepers also change generations, and the city changes. Friends forget about you. Even the police cannot distinguish whether you are a human or not. But you don't care. There are many trees around, and the day flickers like a strobe light.

d: About photosynthesis. In recent studies, technology has been developed to produce starch from light and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, they reproduce themselves. Cloning has already been successful in monkeys by generating artificial stem cells. All that remains is to wait for the realization of issues such as "human dignity". They are expected to be put into practical use in about one more step of time. Wait a little longer.

5: Eventually, it withers away.







a. 關於嫁接。樹木能夠透過斷面連結樹枝癒合傷口。儘管樹的斷面和人的身體無法癒合,但請試著把自己的身體嫁接於樹。如此一來,樹木的硬度、承風方式、聲音、味道、節奏,都會進入自己的身體。請試著這樣生存——讓樹枝成為手臂,身體成為樹幹,樹與身體合為一體。

2. 再試著放慢一點。帶著水,花上一天、一週在土上行走三公尺。人類節食一週以上是會有危險的,所以你會需要食用土壤來獲取營養(泥炭是可以食用的土壤)。

b. 關於皮膚。樹的皮膚非常乾燥,猶如異味性皮膚炎般龜裂。為了除去皮膚的水分,請把表面的油質洗去,可以使用強鹼肥皂或是漂白水處置。

3. 人類的肌肉難以長時間如此站立,因此可以請KEEPER來提供支撐。當身上的水分、土壤都漸漸流失,便必須從KEEPER獲得養分。請再花費一個月、半年、一年,行走三公尺。漸漸地,你將無法感知周遭人類快速的動作,漸漸失語。

c. 關於種子。若你能夠製造精子,請讓KEEPER取走精子,與卵子結合後注入其他樹木中。若你能夠製造卵子,讓KEEPER注入從其他樹木中獲取的精子。

4. 再試著走得更慢一點。花10年、30年、50年,在土上僅行走三公尺。KEEPER已世代交替,街道也已物換星移。朋友已忘卻你的故事,警察再也無法分辨你是否為人類,但你不在意,周遭有很多樹與你同在,所謂「一天」,將如閃光燈般一瞬而逝。


5. 最終枯萎。

Documentation of ‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’

Translated by Johan Chang
Photo by Jojo KAO

︎ Shin Hanagata
Born in Tokyo in 1995. Works in the fields of performance, media art, and contemporary art. In a technologically accelerating capitalist society, under the reality where being “self” and being “human” becomes increasingly unstable, he focuses on technologies that transform the relationship between body and world, such as communication systems, wearable devices, and prosthetics, attempting to present “new forms of humanity” in contemporary society.

︎ 花形槙
1995 年生於東京,活躍於表演藝術、媒體藝術與當代藝術領域。在技術加速發展的資本主義社會中,「自我」與「人類」的概念越來越不穩定,他聚焦於改變身體與世界之間關係的技術,如通訊系統、穿戴式裝置及義肢,試圖呈現當代社會中的「新型態人類」。

How to be a Keeper

Movement and Traces/  Searching and Waiting/ Being Aware
The world is Synthesized.
My Relationship with plants reminds me of an older piece of work from myself, “Appropriation”.

“Plants in the garden grew appropriately as a result of the meticulous care of the gardeners”
I read this from a book, and thought to myself: the contrast between natural and artificial circumstances are quite interesting. As a plant growing in human’s reign, what degree of growth could is appropriate?

growing as untrimmed, wild, botanical, is somehow not what it’s supposed to do.
either arranged, potted, or in the wild, in manmade environment under control, or unaltered in the wilderness, house plants, or garments of the city, even untamed forests, can be completely monitored within a space depending on the circumstance or never. Between polarity, how do we treat what we think we can have authority over?

Lin Tzu Ning


Let’s keep it that way

Achieving the perfect balance between being in control and letting go while protecting its authenticity. To cultivate, is to show up and to be present, until the foreseen fantasy arrives as the future.

Knowing thyself, as well as  seeing it within others, we are one altogether emerging in individuality.

As plants we all grow from soil, and as souls we all come from the same source.

After all, we will rot, transforming into nutrient dense matter for something new to grow on.



The feeling of an idle machine starting once again in a very long time
(but in actuality it is one emotional machinery. yes, ironically, emotional)

The contradicting feeling allows me to acknowledge my own consciousness
sprouting while being and obedient, repetitive device. To attract, obtain and lure in.

Speaking of my relationship with plants, I was reminded an experience that I once had during a performance act.
I took off my shirt and hooked it on a tree as I swung through an arm length gap. We were so close but I still fell through. I didn’t know what to do, so I hugged the tree very tightly. It might sound a bit cliche, but I really enjoyed the tight embrace.

Jung Ching Zhou


Zoo Keeper was a popular mini game I played at high school. In the game, you play as an animal supervisor, listening instructions given by characters to remove and relocate certain animals. A level after another, it was endless. Everybody was excited to play during our day breaks in class as a “keeper”, and have some form of control within the zoo, mean time it being controlled by the game algorithm and also other gamers, while the above was designed by the developers, that are given commands by their manager. Through these different layers of manipulation, comes with different levels of responsibility. I wonder the  identity of a “keeper” is to “keep”, or be “kept”? And who is the ultimate meta keeper? What are the subjects that are being kept trying to keep?

Zito Tseng


In regard to the decisions that I was able to make, the only one that I hesitated, was when I found out a dodder plant climbing on camilla flowers at my front door in a rapid paste. I never bothered to research, but the flowers seemed like it was bred as specific kind to grow in front of every doorstep in the community. After my father passed away and my mother was diagnosed with dementia, it never bloomed. Along side of being a full time caretaker to my mother, I never thought about whether I should take care of the plants growing around my home. My imagination about nature was blinded, and ceased to feel the repulsion I had in taking care of things. When the wet season passed, I see those dodders hugging the camilla so vivaciously, full of life, delicately unfolding the branches of the host plant. I was astonished. Finally, I started to detangle, it was not easy, though pulling out the roots gave me a sense of satisfaction. When spring came, the flowers bloomed.

Chan Kai-An


Incomplete forms of living
as a complete individual
Resembling a creation made by artificial intelligence from foreign matter
What is life?
what is motion, and why?
I am clueless
Just going with a carnal impulse
driven automatically,
I am a module
that exists infinitely
I am as I am
My existence seem to be chance
My plan is not my reason
just happens to be my purpose
an intention in life was then born

- My relationship with plants
A psychic once told me I had a few life times incarnated as trees, specifically cherry blossoms. In this life, I don’t feel a particular connection with plants, every plant except for cactuses died for me. Maybe that explains why I left the plant realm and reincarnated as a human. When I smoke, I look at trees, its leaves, and how they exist. I admire how they stay at the same place, from that I remind myself I can live like that, too. No need to push hard, nor to put in too much effort. Simply just existing as they are.

Pusheng Tang

如何成為管理者 / 守護者 / 監管者 / 維持者

移動 / 軌跡 / 探勘 / 等待 / 覺察








Let’s keep it that way


培育: (陪)伴直到抵達(預)見的幻景

肢己枝彼 同時是 也非完全共同體









Zoo Keeper 是一個高中風靡全班的小遊戲。遊戲中,你扮演者一個動物管理員,因應園長命令,在關卡中要不斷挪移和消滅各種指定的動物。過了一關永遠還有下一關。每天我們班上最大的娛樂之一就是在下課的十分鐘,群起興奮地操控動物。當這個職位叫做 keeper 的遊戲角色在管理動物,也同時正在被遊戲玩家管理著。遊戲玩家也正在被遊戲機制管理者。遊戲機制也正在被遊戲設計師管理者。遊戲設計師也正在被主管管理著。這一層層的關係中,衍生出一層層管理的職責。到底叫做 keeper 是因為我們在管理、必須管理、還是正在被管理?又到底誰是那metametameta管理者?我們在管理的對象又在管理著什麼呢?

Zito Tseng






- 關於植物,與它們的關係



Documentation of ‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’

Translated by Rahci Go
Photo by Chia-Yu Hung

How to live in a Concrete Box

Sheryl Cheung

Shut the camera only to find your shadow still present in the monitor
A blocked out shape against a reel of virtually projected memories
In your mind
You drop a few stones in the water and let the dead fig tree flutter
Feeding echoes into the belly of a parasitical machine

Neurons restructuring to regain agility
The image of dodders keep creeping in
Speedy creatures that consume all prey within reach
Whose desires and fantasies
Echo throughout the soundtrack of your life
Carbon sediment sits at the foot of the pixelated landscape
The machine continues to hum





Documentation of ‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’
Photo by Chia-Yu Hung

︎ Sheryl Cheung
Sheryl Cheung works between experimental sound compositions, abstract scoring and performances to explore a material concept of life. Perceiving life as a force, a mobility that drives our innate persistence to live, she explores how active listening (working with sound) can be a mind and body practice to negotiate different noises of the world.

︎ 張欣

Fire Cold Bloom

Wang Yu-Jun

In scorching heat or freezing cold,
with all one's might unfold
Fiery red,
the story told
Moments of the unknown,
Eternity is as it holds
Blossoms and withers,
for a thousand years,
Cascaded and reborn.






Documentation of
‘Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses’

Translated by Rahci Go

Photo by Chia-Yu Hung

︎ Wang Yu-Jun
Engaged in artistic creation spanning theater, dance, film, and contemporary art, Wang Yu-Jun is one of the few singers in Taiwan who combines poetry and literature. She continues to explore the boundaries and sing the truth of life with her voice. In recent years, she has been interested in the experimental poetic qualities extended from sounds and literature, the multi-dimensional sonic-imagery space expanded by dialogue visuals, the polyphonic relationship between musical sounds and Taiwan’s art history, and the resonant sounds captured through the acts of gathering and human voices. Her works explore the unknown sounds of the future on the timeline while also responding to the call of the ancient earth. She aspires to emulate the spirit of farming, adapt to the changes of natural seasons, and continue creating art to capture the breaths of life in the moment. She seeks to engage in cultural dialogues in the context of poetry and song.

︎ 王榆鈞